
My first post on WordPress and I’m kinda thought-blocked.

Since I’ve moved from Spaces to WordPress (Spaces is moving :x), gone private to public (well actually once upon a time public then private then public then private and now public again, or something like that), I’ve wondered as to what I could write to kick start, no wait re-re-re kick start blogging. And, as I said I’m kinda thought-blocked. Though I do get fleeting ideas here and there, stuff to rant to about, things I maybe want to share, I stare at my newly acquired smartphone, and wonder if I should just type it quick, or maybe download WordPress Mobile, or as a last resort, download an app like Jot (that allows you to record your rants)..I’ve never actually gotten around to doing either of these.

So now, if there’s anyone alive and still reading this piece, please go ahead and suggest ways that would probably make me go back to blogging, if not promptly, then routinely/once in a while/ok regularly? (That sounds so dumb)

*worth a try*