
Boys to Men(ace)

Naughty pranks shining in his eyes

Heady tales to fill his senses

Stubborn chin, mischievous grins

From tiny pests to tall legs…

He-mans, Supermans and Pokemons

Cars, cartoons and cricket

The bundle of trouble and boyhood blunders.


Oh what has changed?


Naughty pranks beneath those serious eyes,

Heady ladies to fill his senses

Stubborn chin below the new found stubble

Pests alright, but of the flattering kinds!

The heros now reside in the mirror…

The passions still unchanged,

The bundle retains the trouble, the madness-

and struts along like a sweet conflict.

A walk down the food memory lane!

When we were kids (thats how my grandfather begins every single anecdote of his) we used to gobble down 10 rotis/ basketfull of mangoes/ uncountable sweets especially barfis and rasgullas (what is this fascination with rasgullas hmph)
No i don’t do that and my generally small appetite (which is small only at home) never really permits me to and if you add it with diet control and waistline management then i would consciously avoid every high calorie food.
But the truth is, I’m a Foodie. Atleast the love for food has passed on, lets leave the cribbing for Good food to my mother’s woeful stories.
I can recall only 2 things which i used to eat regularly, and I’ve had them so much that I’m sick of it.
Every single day i used to have banana’s, cut cround with rock salt sprinkled on it. I only realised how used to I had become to this form of fruit, when I asked me little cousins- What! How can you have it without rock salt! So now I’ve got them hooked to this combination too.
(Ok perverts-you’re not sup2 take tht in the other sense) 😛
Another regular on my menu was lady’s finger or bhindi or okra (its called okra right?) And this vegetable is precisely the reason why i never learnt to eat any other vegetable. And now my nose invariably turns up at the slightest mention of bhindi. I still like it fried though 😀
My taste buds are such that, if i taste something new and I like it, then i want to have it as regularly as possible, until i get super saturated.
You must be wondering, why the hell am i talking about food.
Oh well Go on a fast and you’ll be dreaming, craving n hanging your tongue out for food!!!

Currently reading-Family Matter’s by Rohinton Mistry and I’m quite liking it. After a long time, a book which is keeping me hooked! The typical Parsi family and their attitudes, the words they use and the entire setting appeals, making it an interesting read!

Has anyone tasted the new pizza hut dishes-kabab on pizza and rolls and stuff??
k there i go again!!

the D word.

I wanna sit into one of those and swim/fly/run away at jet speed!!!
Depression is nice.
It gives you
-sad songs
-painful songs
-a right to talk shit.
-a right to abuse everyone around you and say -I’m not in the right moods.
-games that your mind can play
-a right to hold your tummy and wonder-when the hell did this bulge out!
-a memoryless mind.
-a power to forget all other depressive moments of the past and focus on one or many current depressions.
-a right to repeat.
-oh some more chocolatey cravings
-an urge to kill anyone and everyone
-ok not the right, but the feeling atleast
-a chance to close your eyes for seconds
-and then to open them and look around and see that nothings changed
-a reason to remind yourself to sleep
-a reason to share depressions with your other depressed friends. (this one’s for you)
-a chance to blame the WHOLE world. (especially guys hehehe)
-gives you dreams of Hawaii
-and those awesome looking water scooters on which you’d wanna run away!
Don’t you just love being depressed??!! (say it in stephani style-like in full house)


yea yea am here!

I can relate to all things blank.They remind me of myself. When the television cable gets disrupted, the screen is filled up by horizontal black electrical waves constantly in motion. I feel empty when I look at them. The state of affairs in my mind start running on the television screen. And then suddenly the channel frequency returns and I am distracted away from my blankness.

When i look up at the birds in the sky, I’m always in awe of them (I’m sorry not the ostriches and the peacock kinds 😛 ) Its the same damn reason everyone’s probably envious of them for-they can fly. I wonder if they’re scared..and even if they are, they still fly and return to their nests. But atleast they taste freedom. Can we taste freedom and return to our nests? And then continue the cycle all over again? I enjoyed a birds eye view once (thank god for parasailing)-it sure gave an all time high. Does life give that high too?

As much as I adore honesty and hyperexcitement (if there is any such word) of any sort, I hate deceptive calmness. The attitude doesn’t go too well with me i guess.

I bow down to everyone who can curb and tolerate my restlessness. I love you all.


On a more lighter note-

Anybody who is studying Indian Economy can write down the following points and reproduce them in ANY answer. It will somehow relate to the question:

-Agriculture suffers/improves due to blah blah blah

-Capital formation decreased/increased due to blah blah blah

-Industrialisation was needed/ was the backbone of/led to..blah blah blah

-The gorvernment of India undertook/passed/developed..blah blah blah

-PSU’s/Private sector undertook/led to/developed/were allowed to..blahhhhh

-Lack of education was the cause behind blahhhhhh

and end with..

Thus…. it helped to/ was the cause of Social and Economic development/underdevelopment of the country.

Independence dayyyyyy!

Pray, bring some income to the sugarcane juice seller and coconut sellers…
say no to coke, pepsi and their brothers and sisters.
Have been hearing shocking news about the girl child–15 foetuses found in a well in Punjab/ No takers for girls even at adoption agencies
Wake up fellas!
Since lil utsav cant open his blog- here is his message- (k am not sure if it was this)
–May you live independent, stay independent and die independent! lol
My sincere request to indians being educated abraaad:
Parrty, pretend to study, Earn and give it back to your country atleast 😛
Oh its 12…Happy independence day spacers!
My list is nt complete tho..
Maybe i should vote next time lol Dadddd get my id card made next time.
Mile sur meraaa tumhara–the best patriotic ad….they showed it on tv a while back…
K enough of rambles..
I’m Indian. Be jealous.
(thats my friends display picture on msn–dude u might not read it..but it rocks!)